Linda Burton - Chair of Governors / LA Governor / EYFS Governor   

I have been on the Board of Governors of Milverton Primary School since September 2017, Vice Chair in 2020 and Chair since September 2021. I am a retired History and Classical Civilisations teacher; my last position was at Wellington School, where I taught for nineteen years during which time I was Head of Lower, then Upper School.I have lived in Milverton since 1985, have two adult sons and three grandchildren, one of whom has just started primary school.

The Chair’s primary role is to ensure that the governing board is effective in setting and implementing the school’s direction and strategy, therefore I am responsible for leading the Board and focusing on strategic matters, overseeing the school’s planning and setting high governance standards. I work in partnership with Mr. Stead, offering support, challenge, encouragement and helping ensure that his performance management is rigorous and robust. My role as EYFS Governor is to act as a link between the Governing Board and staff and to report to the Board on topics such as subject delivery, the impact of interventions, attainment and progress and transition.


Emily Weiss - Safeguarding Governor - Co-Opted

I have been part of the Milverton School community since September 2016 when my eldest daughter joined the school in year 1.

I became a Governor in 2019. I currently work in a Leadership role in another local school and as part of my remit, I deliver Safeguarding training and support policy implementation. I hopefully use my educational experience and knowledge to support Milverton in achieving its aims and objectives.

Working closely with the Designated Safeguarding Lead, the safeguarding governance role focuses on safeguarding processes and procedures ensuring they are reviewed on a regular basis. This includes ensuring the school has an effective safeguarding policy in place, that safer recruitment practices are followed and the safeguarding training for all school staff and Governors is relevant and up-to-date.


Staff Governor – Stephen Penny

 I have taught at Milverton Community Primary and Pre-School since September 2013 and was elected as the staff Governor in 2015.  I have worked in both Key Stages and am currently in Class 6.  I am passionate about teaching and working with the children at   Milverton.


 My role as the staff Governor is to be a conduit between the school staff and the governing body.  I am part of the education sub-   committee in which I bring my professional knowledge and expertise as well as ensuring that the staff have a voice on the governing   body.  I thoroughly enjoy my role as staff Governor as I feel that it provides me with further opportunities to work alongside staff,   families and our community to ensure that our pupils receive an enriching and inspiring curriculum.