Welcome to Class 5
My name is Peter Coupe and I currently have the pleasure of teaching Class 5 at Milverton Primary School. I have been teaching at Milverton for quite some time now because it is such a wonderful school, with dedicated staff, fantastic children, supportive parents and amazing school grounds.
We are very fortunate in Class 5 to have Mrs Brierley and Miss Hendy working with us to support, challenge and extend our learning. Mrs Brierley will also teach the class for part of Thursday afternoons as will Miss Storey from Premier Sport. We also work closely as an Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Team and take part in shared Quest learning throughout the year.
In Year 5, the curriculum content and learning expectations rapidly increase and we aim for all children to further develop their independence, growth mindset, problem solving and communication skills. These increased expectations are balanced with new learning experiences and opportunities for the children to take on some extra responsibilities. A fun-filled residential trip, the opportunity to gain a Bikeability award (cycle proficiency), opportunities to represent the school in sports fixtures after school and the chance to represent the class as School Council or Eco Committee representatives are just some of the exciting and fun experiences for Year 5 children!
As always, the partnership between home and school is vital in supporting your child’s learning. The current method of communication is via email and this can be through the school mailbox for general queries or directly to the Class 5 email address if required.
Class 5 are a happy and enthusiastic group of children who are eager to investigate and learn about everything; it’s great to be part of their learning journey and see their progress. We enjoy celebrating successes in and out of school and encourage children to share their successes with others and take pride in all of their achievements.
Thank you for your ongoing support in your child’s learning journey. I look forward to working with you and your child - helping them to flourish and grow with confidence.
I look forward to meeting you again soon.
Best Wishes,
Peter Coupe
Class 5 Documents