Welcome to Class 1
My name is Janie Boullin and I have fairly recently moved to beautiful Somerset. Previously I taught in a primary school in Surrey. I am also a qualified Forest School Leader and trained in horticulture at RHS Wisley. I have a real passion for nature and the outdoors.
In Class 1, we are very lucky to have the wonderful Mrs Cutler ably supporting the children everyday and covering my planning time.
The transition from Reception, play based learning, to more formal learning in Class 1 is a big step. I will gently ease the children into formal learning by short whole class or group learning opportunities dispersed between plenty of independent and play based activities both inside and out. It is amazing how quickly the children adapt.
I enjoy making the class a fun and happy place for the children. They will have lots of opportunities to be rewarded for the great choices they make.
The children will learn about all subjects across the curriculum. Key stage 1 (Classes 1 and 2) work together on a two-year planning cycle on most subjects and will have many opportunities to work collaboratively. English and Maths are taught separately by year group.
A core part of our learning this year will be continuing to teach the children phonics. Being able to read is fundamental building block to accessing future learning. I hope that you will share in their reading development, by enjoying stories with your child and regularly listening to them read.
If you would like to talk to me, please feel free to contact me in person, via the office or the class email: class1@milvertonprimary.co.uk
I look forward to meeting you all.
Best wishes
Janie Boullin
class1@milvertonprimary.co.uk for teaching and learning enquiries
office@milvertonprimary.co.uk for everything else!
Class 1 Documents