MSA Christmas Fair 2017
Friday 1st December from 5.30pm
Come along to our Christmas Fair, do some Christmas shopping and kick off the festive season with lots of Christmas fun!
Café: Our café will be open from 5.30pm and we will be serving hot food and drinks as well as cakes and mince pies. Donations of cakes on the morning of the fair would be very much appreciated.
Choir – the school choir will be performing during the fair so come along and support them and enjoy some singing.
Santa’s Grotto: Father Christmas will be visiting and opening the Christmas Fair at 6pm with gifts for all of the children.
Rainbow Fair: the main hall will be hosting a Rainbow Fair with stalls of many colours filled with colour themed items. Each class will have a colour and will be tasked to collect/donate items to stock a stall. We are hoping to stock the stalls with items suitable to give as gifts that you would happily receive for yourself and your family. This could be toys in good condition, sweets/chocolates, bric-a-brac, jewellery, cosmetics/smellies or recycled gifts etc. If you have something suitable to donate which is not the colour of your child’s class, these could either be wrapped in clear wrapping and tied with a ribbon/bow in your child’s class colour and taken to their classroom, or left in the school lobby to donate to a different class. The designated colours are as follows:
Reception – Red, Year 1 - Orange,
Year 2 – Yellow, Year 3 – Green, Year 4- Blue,
Year 5 – Purple, Year 6 – Gold and Silver
Donations can be bought into school from Monday 27th November
We will also have a book and DVD stall, Jam Jar Tombola (please donate a jar of goodies – sweets/ toys) – jam jars can be dropped to the school office from Monday 20th November.
Games – some new and some returning games this year, all with a Christmassy theme with a return of the ‘Guess the number of Lego pieces in the Jar’ to win an amazing set of lego.
So, dates for your diaries:
From Monday 20th November - Jam Jars can be dropped off at the school office.
From Monday 27th november – donations for the Rainbow stalls and books/DVDs can be taken either to your child’s class or to the school lobby (if a colour different to the colour of your child’s stall).
Friday 1st December 1.15pm – we would appreciate any help setting up please! if you can spare some time, please contact a member of the msa, email msa-somerset@outlook.com or just turn up on the day.
FRIDAY 1st December 5.30pm - Come to the Fair and have a great time!