Class 3 took part in a Tudor themed day where they dressed up as a Tudor peasant or royal. The children took part in activities throughout the day. They started by learning calligraphy in the Tudor style and using their own quills too. After that, we discussed the significance of the Tudor Rose and the children made their own 2D and 3D ones that link to our Maths topic on shapes! Before lunch, they also took part in a History themed quiz with Henry and Rupert taking 1st place. They also learnt about the Mary Rose and had to design their own Tudor ships before testing them. Some of them sunk quite quickly, while one group made a Tudor themed submarine that survived in the water. After lunch, Class 3 took part in soap making, where they had to choose their own scents before shaping the soap into traditional Tudor soap balls. We ended our day with a final banquet with games, music and food!    Miss Downer



My favourite part of the day was the soap making because I got to get my hands all messy. We had to grate the soap, then add water before putting our scents in and using our hands to mush it all together. I chose lemon and peach to make my soap smell really nice. I made it into an oval so it was shaped like a bar of soap.     by Alfie


I enjoyed the soap making and we were able to add the scents. I chose banana and watermelon. We tried our hand at Tudor handwriting and we found out that they had very fancy capital letters.   by Rufus

I really liked having banquet tables and all of the fun we had during the banquet. The group that made the submarine were really cool and I was surprised it could float for so long. by Cas