I liked being at Kilve, we were very busy grass sledging, climbing, mountain biking and shooting. Room inspections were the most fun, though, even beating delicious cheese sandwiches! We sung songs for the inspections for fun and to bribe the teachers!” Elsie S



When we arrived at Kilve, an instructor called Calum showed us around. We settled into our dorms and we prepared a dance for the room inspection, which I enjoyed. Next, I loved rock climbing—I got really scared! In the team challenges, my favourites were the mine challenge and spiders web. You had to get over the rope to the other side. We were determined to do it!” Talulah



Grass sledging is like normal sledging, but with no snow. A grass sledge is basically a plastic container with no lid, large enough to sit in, with handles and tracks on the bottom. You whizz down the hill until you stop. Leaning left you turn right and vice versa. After we had some turns, we played a game where we had to hit as many cones as you could. It was really fun!”  Lewis


Thank you from all of Class 5 to Mr Coupe, Mrs Brierley, Mrs Farrow and Miss Hendy for looking after us all.